We Love Alice, Everyone Loves Alice

I wanted to give you an update on how great Alice is doing since John and I adopted her last September.  We LOVE her.  She is so special and has settled in so well with our family.  Everyone who has met her loves her too.  We always get compliments when we are out with her about how beautiful she is.  She is a hit at the vet's office too--behind the desk getting cookies and having her picture taken, she's a rock-star!  Her favorite activities are still sitting at home and sitting in the car (and eating, she likes to do that) :-).  We always take her to MA when we visit John's family and she greatly enjoys the car ride.  She has done well with everyone she has met there and people can't get over how low-key she is.

Our cats have acclimated well to her and they co-exist nicely.  Alice basically doesn't even acknowledge their presence, which I'm perfectly fine with ;-).
I've attached some pictures we've take over the past year.  I'm so glad I found her description online and contacted OPIN about her.  She sounded like the perfect dog for us on paper and she has lived up to expectations.  Thank you so much from both of us for bringing us together.
Enjoy the pictures of our favorite pit bull :-).
Felicia  and John