No Caption Needed, Just Look at This . . .


Here are Kerri, Lucy and Kelli in a recent photograph.

This picture really does say it all.

 If you could have seen first-hand the condition poor Lucy was in just six months ago,

it would make your heart burst to witness how far she's come and how happy she is now.

Look at that smile!

 We thank all of you sincerely for sending your love, your prayers, your good wishes,

and, of course, your generous donations.

We know they played a significant part in her recovery.

 In honor of Lucy's phenomenal turnaround, OPIN has established the

We Love Lucy Fund

to provide veterinary care to other pets, like Lucy, with catastrophic medical needs.

With your support, we can continue to help all the ones who need us.


Thank you from all of us, but especially from Lucy.